A Richer Tradition - Country Blues Amp String Band Music 1923-1937 Cd B Songs Download - Various Artists

A Richer Tradition - Country Blues  Amp  String Band Music  1923-1937  Cd B - Various Artists cover album
Album Name A Richer Tradition - Country Blues Amp String Band Music 1923-1937 Cd B
Singer Various Artists
Label JSP Records
Total Songs 25
Added On 01 Jan, 2007

A Richer Tradition - Country Blues Amp String Band Music 1923-1937 Cd B mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Various Artists. A Richer Tradition - Country Blues Amp String Band Music 1923-1937 Cd B all songs free download from naasongs.com

Track List
Jail House Blues Whistler, His Jug Band
Blues Just Blues That 039 S All Old Southern Jug Band
String Band Blues Kansas City Blues Strummers
Black Cat Blues Old Pal Smoke Shop Four
Dirty Guitar Blues Leecan, Cooksey
Boodle-Am-Shake Dixieland Jug Blowers
Quill Blues Big Boy Cleveland
The Jug Band Special Whistler, His Jug Band
Cold Morning Shout South Street Trio
Violin Blues Johnson Boys
Easy Winner The Blue Boys
G Burns Is Gonna Rise Again Johnson, Nelson, Porkchop
I Got A Gal James Cole's String Band
The Jazz Fiddler Walter Jacobs, Lonnie Carter
Knox Country Stomp Tennessee Chocolate Drops
Adam Amp Eve Tommie Bradley
Runnin 039 Wild James Cole's Washboard Four
Giving It Away Birmingham Jug Band
Jackson Stomp Mississippi Mud Steppers
Rising Sun Blues King David's Jug Band
Old Hen Cackle Coleman, Harper
Ted 039 S Stomp Louie Bluie, Ted Bogan
Dusting The Frets Dallas Jamboree Jug Band
Arkansas Traveler Nashville Washboard Band
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