Always The Ladys Songs Download

Always The Ladys - Various Artists cover album
Album Name Always The Ladys
Singer Various Artists
Label Vanilla OMP
Total Songs 18
Added On 30 Nov, 2008

Always The Ladys mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Various Artists. Always The Ladys all songs free download from

Track List
The Pan Alley - You Say The Sweetest Things Chorus, Jack Oakie, John Payne, Alice Faye
The Pan Alley - America, I Love You Chorus, John Payne, Four Lady Trumpeters, Brian Sisters, Roberts Bros, Alice Faye
The Pan Alley - Arabian Song - Girls - Sheik Of Araby Billy Gilbert, Betty Grable, Alice Faye, Girls
The Pan Alley - Finale K-K-K-Katie John Loder, Betty Grable, John Payne, Alice Faye, Jack Oakie
Three Little Girls In Blue - On The Boardwalk Vera-Ellen, Vivian Blaine, June Haver
Three Little Girls In Blue - Three Little Girls In Blue Vera-Ellen, Vivian Blaine, June Haver
Three Little Girls In Blue - You Make Me Feel So Young Vera-Ellen, Charlie Smith, Vocal Group
Three Little Girls In Blue - This Is Always June Haver, George Montgomery
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