Amra Dujana - Tagore Duets With Kanika Banerjee Songs Download

Amra Dujana - Tagore Duets With Kanika Banerjee - Rabindranath Tagore cover album
Album Name Amra Dujana - Tagore Duets With Kanika Banerjee
Singer Rabindranath Tagore
Label Saregama India Ltd
Total Songs 3
Added On 01 Mar, 1961

Amra Dujana - Tagore Duets With Kanika Banerjee mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Rabindranath Tagore. Amra Dujana - Tagore Duets With Kanika Banerjee all songs free download from

Track List
E Shudhu Alas Maya Kanika Banerjee, Shyamal Mitra
Ore Ki Shunechhis Ghumer Ghore Kanika Banerjee, Suchitra Mitra
Bijoymala Eno Amar Lagi Kanika Banerjee, Sailen Mukherjee
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