Celebrating Melody With Vinod Rathod (Gujarati) Songs Download

Celebrating Melody With Vinod Rathod (Gujarati) - Vinod Rathod cover album
Album Name Celebrating Melody With Vinod Rathod (Gujarati)
Singer Vinod Rathod
Label Red Ribbon Ent. Pvt. Ltd.
Total Songs 14
Added On 09 Sep, 2015

Celebrating Melody With Vinod Rathod (Gujarati) mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Vinod Rathod. Celebrating Melody With Vinod Rathod (Gujarati) all songs free download from naasongs.com

Track List
Bhala Mori Rama Vinod Rathod
Dholida Dholida Vinod Rathod
Va Vayane Vinod Rathod
Pethal Purma Vinod Rathod
Vadaldi Varsi Re Vinod Rathod
Charar Chakdol Vinod Rathod
Khatti Mitthi Vinod Rathod
Maniyaro Vinod Rathod
Ame Mahiyara Re Vinod Rathod
Ranglo Vinod Rathod
Nadi Kinare Vinod Rathod
Kanudo Magyo Vinod Rathod
Halaji Tara Vinod Rathod
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