Celebrating The Legend - Bhimsen Joshi Songs Download

Celebrating The Legend - Bhimsen Joshi - Pandit Bhimsen Joshi cover album
Album Name Celebrating The Legend - Bhimsen Joshi
Singer Pandit Bhimsen Joshi
Label Living Media India Ltd.
Total Songs 3
Added On 04 Feb, 2016

Celebrating The Legend - Bhimsen Joshi mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Pandit Bhimsen Joshi. Celebrating The Legend - Bhimsen Joshi all songs free download from naasongs.com

Track List
Piharwa Tu Bilma - Raga Jog - Ektaal - Teentaal Bhimsen Joshi, Tulsidas Borkar, Shashikant Muley, Rajendra Rathod
Babul Mora Naihar - Raga Bhairavi - Ektaal Bhimsen Joshi, Tulsidas Borkar, Shashikant Muley, Rajendra Rathod
Chalo Ri Murali Suniye - Raga Mishra - Keharwa Taal Bhimsen Joshi, Tulsidas Borkar, Shashikant Muley, Rajendra Rathod
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