Chamber Music 14Th Century A Distant Mirror Songs Download

Chamber Music  14Th Century   A Distant Mirror  - Folger Consort cover album
Album Name Chamber Music 14Th Century A Distant Mirror
Singer Folger Consort
Label Delos
Total Songs 29
Added On 01 Jan, 1986

Chamber Music 14Th Century A Distant Mirror mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Folger Consort. Chamber Music 14Th Century A Distant Mirror all songs free download from

Track List
Gloria Mass Text
Estampie Anonymous
Stella Celi Folger Consort
Nesciens Mater Folger Consort
Gloria D Mass Text
Gais Et Jolis Anonymous
Rose Liz Anonymous
Par Maintes Foys Jehan Vaillant
Witches Dance I Folger Consort
The Willow Song D William Shakespeare
Witches Dance Ii Folger Consort
The Willow Song William Shakespeare
The Owl William Shakespeare
Blow Blow Thou Winter Wind William Shakespeare
Where The Bee Sucks William Shakespeare
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