Chixtape 5 Songs Download

Chixtape 5 - Tory Lanez cover album
Album Name Chixtape 5
Singer Tory Lanez
Label Mad Love/Interscope Records
Total Songs 18
Added On 15 Nov, 2019

Chixtape 5 mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Tory Lanez. Chixtape 5 all songs free download from

Track List
Jalissas Back Tory Lanez
The Trade Tory Lanez
Jerry Sprunger Tory Lanez, T-Pain
The Take Tory Lanez
Broken Promises Tory Lanez
Yessirr Tory Lanez
The Cry Tory Lanez
Still Waiting Tory Lanez
A Fools Tale Tory Lanez
Thoughts Tory Lanez
If You Gotta Tory Lanez
Room 112 Tory Lanez, Nyce
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