Future Shock (Album Version) Songs Download

Future Shock (Album Version) - Bally Sagoo cover album
Album Name Future Shock (Album Version)
Singer Bally Sagoo
Label Baljit Singh Sagoo, Under Exclusive License from Baljit Singh Sagoo to Universal Music India Pvt. Ltd.
Total Songs 14
Added On 01 Jan, 2013

Future Shock (Album Version) mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Bally Sagoo. Future Shock (Album Version) all songs free download from naasongs.com

Track List
Future Shock Bally Sagoo
Marjaana Dil Bally Sagoo
Peg Peg Bally Sagoo
Peeke Nena Cho Bally Sagoo
Thumke Te Botle Bally Sagoo
Naam Puchiya Bally Sagoo
Koka Bally Sagoo
Dil Jaan Bally Sagoo
Heat Of Darkness Bally Sagoo
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