Ghazal Ensemble Songs Download

Ghazal Ensemble - Kayhan Kalhor cover album
Album Name Ghazal Ensemble
Singer Kayhan Kalhor
Label Naghmeh Saz Avaz
Total Songs 4
Added On 05 Jul, 2001

Ghazal Ensemble mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Kayhan Kalhor. Ghazal Ensemble all songs free download from

Track List
Passing Of The Beloved Kayhan Kalhor, Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan
Snowy Mountains Kayhan Kalhor, Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan
Looking Into Mirror Kayhan Kalhor, Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan
Orange And Bergamto Kayhan Kalhor, Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan
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