Great Opera Recordings / Massenet: Werther, [1931] Volume 1 Songs Download

Great Opera Recordings / Massenet: Werther, [1931] Volume 1 - Chorus cover album
Album Name Great Opera Recordings / Massenet: Werther, [1931] Volume 1
Singer Chorus
Label Classical Moments
Total Songs 20
Added On 01 Jan, 2010

Great Opera Recordings / Massenet: Werther, [1931] Volume 1 mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Chorus. Great Opera Recordings / Massenet: Werther, [1931] Volume 1 all songs free download from

Track List
Werther: Act 1, Prelude - &Quot;Assez! Assez!&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Armand Narcon
Werther: &Quot;Noel Jesus Vient De Naitre&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Armand Narcon
Werther: &Quot;Bravo Pour Les Enfants!&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Ninon Vallin, Germaine Feraldy, Marcel Roque, Armand Narcon, Louis Guenot, Henri Niel
Werther: &Quot;Alors, C'Est Bien Ici... Je Ne Sais&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Ninon Vallin, Germaine Feraldy, Marcel Roque, Armand Narcon, Louis Guenot, Henri Niel
Werther: &Quot;O Spectacle Ideal D'Amour Et D'Innocence&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Ninon Vallin, Germaine Feraldy, Marcel Roque, Armand Narcon, Louis Guenot, Henri Niel
Werther: &Quot;Elle M'Aime!... Quelle Priere De Reconnaissance&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Marcel Roque
Werther: &Quot;Clair De Lune&Quot; Orchestra of The Paris Opera
Werther: &Quot;Il Faut Nous Separer&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Ninon Vallin
Werther: &Quot;Mon Ame A Reconna Votre Ame&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Ninon Vallin
Werther: &Quot;Vous Avez Dit Vrai!&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Ninon Vallin
Werther: &Quot;Reve! Extase&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Ninon Vallin, Armand Narcon
Werther: Act 2, Prelude Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera
Werther: &Quot;Vivat Bacchus!&Quot; Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Louis Guenot, Henri Niel
Werther: &Quot;Trois Mois! Voici Trois Mois&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Ninon Vallin, Marcel Roque
Werther: &Quot;Un Autre Est Son Epoux!&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Marcel Roque, Louis Guenot, Henri Niel
Werther: &Quot;Mais Celle Qui Devint Ma Femme&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Marcel Roque
Werther: &Quot;Frere, Voyez!.... Du Gai Soleil&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Germaine Feraldy
Werther: &Quot;Heureux! Pourrai-Je L'Etre Encore&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Ninon Vallin, Germaine Feraldy, Marcel Roque
Werther: &Quot;Ah! Qu'Il Est Loin Ce Jour&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Ninon Vallin
Werther: &Quot;Lorsque L'Enfant Revient D'Un Voyage&Quot; Chorus, Orchestra of The Paris Opera, Georges Thill, Ninon Vallin, Germaine Feraldy, Marcel Roque
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