Hank Mancini Favorites &Amp; Others Songs Download

Hank Mancini Favorites &Amp; Others - Art Neville cover album
Album Name Hank Mancini Favorites &Amp; Others
Singer Art Neville
Label Crownstar Records
Total Songs 10
Added On 01 Feb, 2006

Hank Mancini Favorites &Amp; Others mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Art Neville. Hank Mancini Favorites &Amp; Others all songs free download from naasongs.com

Track List
Dear Heart Art Neville, The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Moon River Art Neville, The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Anvil Chorus Art Neville, The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Hawaiian War Chant Art Neville, The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Everytime I Feel The Spirit Art Neville, The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Days Of Wine &Amp; Roses Art Neville, The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Anitra'S Dance Art Neville, The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
La Golondrina Art Neville, The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Under The Double Eagle Art Neville, The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Ciribiribin Art Neville, The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
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