Hijar Di Agg Songs Download - Naseebo Lal

Hijar Di Agg - Naseebo Lal cover album
Album Name Hijar Di Agg
Singer Naseebo Lal
Label Kumar Records
Total Songs 18
Added On 31 Jul, 2015

Hijar Di Agg mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Naseebo Lal. Hijar Di Agg all songs free download from naasongs.com

Track List
Hijar Di Agg Naseebo Lal
Hijar Di Agg - 1 Naseebo Lal
Yaari Layi Hai Te Naseebo Lal
Mahiya Tere Dukh Naseebo Lal
Be Qadre Nu Naseebo Lal
Be Qadre Nu - 1 Naseebo Lal
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