Kunware The Hum Tum Vol-2 Songs Download

Kunware The Hum Tum Vol-2 - Aslam Sabri cover album
Album Name Kunware The Hum Tum Vol-2
Singer Aslam Sabri
Label Super Cassettes Industries Private Limited
Total Songs 6
Added On 06 Jan, 1994

Kunware The Hum Tum Vol-2 mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Aslam Sabri. Kunware The Hum Tum Vol-2 all songs free download from naasongs.com

Track List
Ishq Walon Se Allah Bachaye Shaheda Begam Jaipuri
Ishq Aazar Hai Aslam Sabri
Husn Talwar Hai Shaheda Begam Jaipuri
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