Macbeth Songs Download - Erich Leinsdorf

Macbeth - Erich Leinsdorf cover album
Album Name Macbeth
Singer Erich Leinsdorf
Label Unchained Melode
Total Songs 35
Added On 01 Oct, 2011

Macbeth mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Erich Leinsdorf. Macbeth all songs free download from

Track List
Prelude Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act I/I - Che Faceste? Dite Su! Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act I/I - Giorno Non Vidi Mai Si Fiero E Bello! Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act I/I - Due Vaticini Compiuti Or Sono Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act I/I - S'Allontanarono! Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act I/Ii - Nel Di Della Vittoria Io Le Incontrai... Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act I/Ii - Vieni! T'Affretta! Accendere Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act I/Ii - Oh Donna Mia! Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act I/Ii - Sappia La Sposa Mia Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act I/Ii - Fatal Mia Donna! Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act I/Ii - Di Destarlo Per Tempo Il Re M'Impose Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act I/Ii - Schiudi, Inferno, Inghiotti Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Ii/I - Perche Mi Sfuggi Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Ii/I - La Luce Langue Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Ii/Ii - Chi V'Impose Unirvi A Noi? Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Ii/Ii - Studia Il Passo; Come Dal Ciel Precipita Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Ii/Iii - Salve, O Re! Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Ii/Iii - Si Colmi Il Calice Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Ii/Iii - Voi Siete Demente! Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Ii/Iii - Spirito D'Abisso! Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iii - Tre Volte Miagola La Gatta Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iii - Che Fate Voi, Misteriose Donne? Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iii - Fuggi, Regal Fantasima Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iii - Ove Son Io? Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iii - Ora Di Morte E Di Vendetta Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iv/I - Patria Oppressa! Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iv/I - O Figli Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iv/I - Dove Siam? Che Bosco È Quello? Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iv/Ii - Vegliammo Invan Due Notti Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iv/Ii - Una Macchia È Qui Tuttora Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iv/Iii - Perfidi! All' Anglo Contro Me Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iv/Iii - Pietà, Rispetto, Amore Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iv/Iii - Ella È Morta! Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iv/Iii - Mal Per Me Vhe M'Affidai Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
Act Iv/Iii - Vittoria! Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus
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