Open Stage Recreations - Vol 68 Songs Download

Open Stage Recreations - Vol 68 - Rajiv Goel cover album
Album Name Open Stage Recreations - Vol 68
Singer Rajiv Goel
Label Saregama India Ltd
Total Songs 15
Added On 01 May, 2024

Open Stage Recreations - Vol 68 mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Rajiv Goel. Open Stage Recreations - Vol 68 all songs free download from

Track List
Karoge Yaad To Rajiv Goel
Kora Kagaz Tha Yeh Man Mera Neelam Dixit, Male Voice
O Mehbooba Ajit Kumar
Koi Shahari Babu Vijayashree Samant
Chithi Na Koi Sandesh Lalit Kumar Verma
Main Shair To Nahin Lalit Kumar Verma
Zara Zara Neelam Dixit
Kab Ke Bichhde Hue Robin Massey, Asha Bhosle
Sitar Je Ram Tumi - Jane Kya Sochkar Janam Raj, Dr. Anima Choudhary
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