Porgy And Bess Songs Download

Porgy And Bess - The Hollywood Strings cover album
Album Name Porgy And Bess
Singer The Hollywood Strings
Label Digital Music Group, Inc., Inc.
Total Songs 10
Added On 27 Jan, 2006

Porgy And Bess mp3 album Naa Songs download. by The Hollywood Strings. Porgy And Bess all songs free download from naasongs.com

Track List
Overture The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Summertime The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
I Got Plenty Of Nottin' The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Bess, You Is My Woman Now The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
It Ain'T Necessarily So The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
A Woman Is A Sometime Thing The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
My Man'S Gone Now The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
There'S A Boat Leavin' Soon For New York The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Oh Lawd, I'M On My Way The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
Finale The Hollywood Strings, Chorus
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