Shubha Mudgal - The Voice Beyond Genres Songs Download

Shubha Mudgal - The Voice Beyond Genres - Shubha Mudgal cover album
Album Name Shubha Mudgal - The Voice Beyond Genres
Singer Shubha Mudgal
Label Living Media India Ltd
Total Songs 3
Added On 20 Jun, 2017

Shubha Mudgal - The Voice Beyond Genres mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Shubha Mudgal. Shubha Mudgal - The Voice Beyond Genres all songs free download from

Track List
Sawan Jhar Lageyna Dhirey Dhirey - Raga Khamaj - Dadra Shubha Mudgal, Aneesh Pradhan, Sudhin Nayak
Nainan Lagi - Raga Lalit - Keharwa Shubha Mudgal, Merlin D'souza, Brenon Fernandez
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