Shunya - The Ultimate Truth Songs Download

Shunya - The Ultimate Truth - Parth Umrani cover album
Album Name Shunya - The Ultimate Truth
Singer Parth Umrani
Label Fountain Music Company
Total Songs 9
Added On 21 Aug, 2019

Shunya - The Ultimate Truth mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Parth Umrani. Shunya - The Ultimate Truth all songs free download from

Track List
Elama Pelama Ganesh Usha Mangeshkar, Pradnya Deshpande
Kafila Ravindra Sathe, Jitendra Abhyankar
Maan Ravindra Sathe
Malharache Ang Anjali Kulkarni
Pailatir Vibhavari Apte-Joshi
Sodun Sare Todun Anuradha Marathe
Sodun Sare Todun M Jitendra Abhyankar
Talya Kathi Parth Umrani
Virahin Pandit Hemant Pendse
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