Sings Ballads Songs Download

Sings Ballads - Rosemary Clooney cover album
Album Name Sings Ballads
Singer Rosemary Clooney
Label Concord Jazz, Inc.
Total Songs 10
Added On 01 Jan, 1985

Sings Ballads mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Rosemary Clooney. Sings Ballads all songs free download from

Track List
Thanks For The Memory Rosemary Clooney
Heres That Rainy Day Rosemary Clooney
The Shadow Of Your Smile Rosemary Clooney
Easy Living Rosemary Clooney
Spring Is Here Rosemary Clooney
Why Shouldnt I Rosemary Clooney
It Never Entered My Mind Rosemary Clooney
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