Star Spangled Rhythm Songs Download

Star Spangled Rhythm - Various Artists cover album
Album Name Star Spangled Rhythm
Singer Various Artists
Label Vintage Music
Total Songs 9
Added On 02 Oct, 1942

Star Spangled Rhythm mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Various Artists. Star Spangled Rhythm all songs free download from

Track List
Star Spangled Rhythm The Orchestra
Hit The Road To Dreamland The Golden Gate Quarter, Mary Martin, Dick Powell
On The Swing Shift Marjorie Reynolds, Betty Rhodes, Donna Drake
A Sweater, A Sarong And A Peek-A-Boo Bang Paulette Goddard, Dorothy Lamour, Veronica Lake, Walter Catlett, Arthur Treacher, Sterling Holloway
Priorities Susan Hayward, Ernest Truex
That Old Black Magic Johnnie Johnston, Vera Zorina
Smart As A Tack Eddie "rochester" Anderson, Katherine Dunham, Slim, Slam
Old Glory Bing Croby, Chorus
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