The Nagarik Songs Download

The Nagarik - Nilakash Roy cover album
Album Name The Nagarik
Singer Nilakash Roy
Label Akash Music
Total Songs 7
Added On 27 Mar, 2019

The Nagarik mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Nilakash Roy. The Nagarik all songs free download from

Track List
Jhilmil Akash Anwesshaa Dattagupta
Samayer Kotha Ar Zubeen Garg, Moumita Ghosh
Legeche Legeche Kumar Sanu
Premer Joyare Bappa Sengupta, Subhalaxmi Dey
Jokhon Porbe Na Mor Bappa Sengupta
Legeche Legeche Duet Kumar Sanu, Saktishekhar
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