The Poet & Prophet Songs Download

The Poet & Prophet - Manoj Murli Nair cover album
Album Name The Poet & Prophet
Singer Manoj Murli Nair
Label RDC / Daakghar
Total Songs 10
Added On 16 May, 2017

The Poet & Prophet mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Manoj Murli Nair. The Poet & Prophet all songs free download from

Track List
Rakho Rakho Re Manoj Murli Nair
Noy A Modhur Khela Manoj Murli Nair
Birosha Din Biralo Kaaj Manoj Murli Nair
Jodi Prem Dile Na Prane Manoj Murli Nair
Bipulo Tarango Re Manoj Murli Nair
Gaye Aamar Pulak Lage Manoj Murli Nair
K Boley Jao Jao Manoj Murli Nair
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