The Third Unheard Connecticut Hip Hop 1979-1983 Songs Download

The Third Unheard  Connecticut Hip Hop 1979-1983 - Various Artists cover album
Album Name The Third Unheard Connecticut Hip Hop 1979-1983
Singer Various Artists
Label Now-Again Records
Total Songs 14
Added On 28 May, 2004

The Third Unheard Connecticut Hip Hop 1979-1983 mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Various Artists. The Third Unheard Connecticut Hip Hop 1979-1983 all songs free download from

Track List
Get Up Pookey Blow
Potential 1980 MR. MAGIC
Party People Rappermatical 5
Million Dollar Legs The Outlaw Four
Shake Your Boody The Chillie 3 MCs
Fill The Be-Bop The L.O.D. Crew
Earth Break MR. MAGIC
Ventriloquist Rap Willie Brown, Woodie
Showdown Rehearsal StarChild, 2nd Showdown Crew
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