The Versatile Bhimsen Joshi - Thumri Dadra - Volume 2 Songs Download

The Versatile Bhimsen Joshi - Thumri   Dadra - Volume 2 - Bhimsen Joshi cover album
Album Name The Versatile Bhimsen Joshi - Thumri Dadra - Volume 2
Singer Bhimsen Joshi
Label Living Media India Ltd.
Total Songs 3
Added On 10 Jan, 2006

The Versatile Bhimsen Joshi - Thumri Dadra - Volume 2 mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Bhimsen Joshi. The Versatile Bhimsen Joshi - Thumri Dadra - Volume 2 all songs free download from

Track List
Nadiya Kinare Thumri Pilu Bhimsen Joshi, Purushottam Walawalkar, Nana Muley
Babul Mora Naihar Thumri Bhairavi Bhimsen Joshi, Eknath Thakurdas, S.V. Patwardhan
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