The Very Best West End Musicals - This Century Songs Download - Various Artists

The Very Best West End Musicals - This Century - Various Artists cover album
Album Name The Very Best West End Musicals - This Century
Singer Various Artists
Label Smith & Co
Total Songs 20
Added On 08 Jul, 2011

The Very Best West End Musicals - This Century mp3 album Naa Songs download. by Various Artists. The Very Best West End Musicals - This Century all songs free download from

Track List
It Sucks To Be Me Brian, Kate Monster, Rod, Nicky, Christmas Eve, Gary Coleman, Princeton
Born To Boogie Mrs. Wilkinson, Billy, Mr. Braithwaite
It Takes Two Link, Tracy, The Haircut Male Ensemble
You Can 039 T Stop The Beat Tracy, Link, Penny, Seaweed, Edna, Wilbur, Motormouth, Velma, Amber, The Haircut Ensemble
Breaking Free The High School Musical Cast
Getcha Head In The Game The High School Musical Cast
Half A Moment Stiffy Bing
Big Girls Don 039 T Cry Frankie, Bob, Nick, Tommy
Serious Elle, Warner
Look With Your Heart Christine, Gustav
Sister Act Deloris
Sherry Frankie, Bob, Nick, Tommy
Defying Gravity Elphaba, Glinda, Guards, Citizens
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