Sanjay Wandrekar All Mp3 Songs


Sanjay Wandrekar Mp3 All Songs Download

15 Songs / 0 Albums

Sanjay Wandrekar Tracks List
Aum Sahanavavaty Vijay Prakash 304
Section Iv - Lord Krishnas Cosmic Blesslings Vijay Prakash, Amey Date, Salim Ghouse 391
Section Iii - Awestruck Arjuna Gathers Himself Vijay Prakash, Amey Date, Salim Ghouse 565
Section Ii - Vishwaroop Darshan Unfolds Vijay Prakash, Amey Date, Salim Ghouse 642
Section I - Arjunas Torment And Appeal To Krishna Vijay Prakash, Amey Date, Salim Ghouse 379
Saudagar Sauda Kar - Instrumental Film - Saudagar Sanjay Wandrekar, Ramakant Patil
Tere Naina Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy, Naveen Kumar, Sanjay Wandrekar
Sajdaa Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy, Naveen Kumar